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Web marketing part 3

Web marketing part 3
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*TKG1## on Facebook

First we need to make the website known to many people by increasing fanpage likes to get more visitors from the fanpage to the web, then Then run ads website on Facebook

*TKG1## to increase followers for Fanpage :

 (must create new fanpage completely and increase likes)

  • 14,000 guests likes : price 4,500,000 VND/ page
  • 19,000 customers like : price 5,500,000 VND/ page
  • 25,000 likes : price 6,500,000 VND/ page
  • 29,000 likes : price 8,000,000 VND/ page

For 4 main purposes :
+Optimize keywords for organic search on Facebook without ads.
+Increase organic page followers
+Create page authority
+Create resonance and spillover effects when running *TKG1##.

Like is real like. The cost of increasing likes is a one-time cost only, All with warranty, completion time from 7-14 days, after done you can check the list of people who liked the page.

If you want to increase likes on old fanpage  (current fanpage already exists) :

+ If you don’t specify region, gender and age, but only randomly increase likes on existing fanpage, the price is 1.5 million / 1,000 likes

+ If you specify region, gender and age, the price is 4 million/1,000 likes

  • Increase 1,000 likes : price 4 million VND/page
  • Increase 2,000 likes : price 8 million VND/ page
  • Increase 3,000 likes : price 11.5 million VND/ fanpage

You will choose 5 combination conditions :

We will then run ads to increase your page likes.

Run ads to increase likes on old fanpage Price 4,000 VND/like. Like is 100% real like and this like is increased according to your target audience according to the above 5 conditions.
Minimum number of 1 run to increase Facebook likes is 1,000 likes = 4,000,000 VND.

Then we will run ads on Facebook website

*TKG1## on Facebook to drive texting comments:

Details : *TKC##

Customer object : choose 5 combination conditions :

We will compose and write articles on your Fanpage, your articles will be promoted:

Price 3 million / 15 days

Reach (view) : at least 16,000 people (reach over 16,000 is also free of charge)
Interactions (Like, Share, Comment) : at least 800 interactions (over 800 interactions, no charge)</ span>

Price 4 million / month

Reach (view) : at least 24,000 people (reach over 24,000 also no fees)
Interactions (Like, Share, Comment): at least 1,200 interactions (over 1,200 interactions are also free)</ span>

Price 6 million / month

Reach (view) : at least 36,000 people (reach over 36,000 is also free of charge)
Interactions (Like, Share, Comment) : at least 1840 interactions (over 1840 interactions, no charge)

*TKG1## on Facebook to motivate guests leave info:

This is the type of *TKG1## distributed to the target audience to encourage them to fill out a registration form with personal information and submit it. give me advice.

Customer object : choose 5 combination conditions :

We will compose and write articles on your Fanpage, your articles will be promoted:

With price 4,000,000 VND/month – Your article will be :

Reach (view) : at least 5,000 people (access to website over 5,000 people is also free of charge)
Minimum number of customers registering for the service from 15 or more

With price 8,000,000 VND/month – Your article will be :

Reach (view) : at least 12,000 people (access to website over 12,000 people is also free of charge)
Minimum number of customers registering for the service 32 or more

bang gia tang like cho page

Example : *TKG1## get info


*TKG1## via Zalo

*TKG1## on Zalo price 3 million/month

Ad time is calculated as 1 month website or by the number of commits below whichever comes first.</span >

The price on the selected area must include Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi province, if the ad distribution area does not allow to select Ho Chi Minh or Ha Internally, the price will increase by 20%.

  • Customer target : Choose 3 conditions : Region, gender, age
  • Create a Zalo Page – Official Account and advertise on this page, handing over admin rights of Zalo Page to customers.
  • Upload 12 products for free on Zalo Page
  • Ad fees are charged only when a customer clicks on the ad
  • Commit to reach (timeline impressions): over 128,000 impressions
  • Sample click-through commitment *TKG1## : over 800 clicks/click
  • If you don’t select a specific region and only select 1 province or select the whole country, then the cost of clicks per ad advertising will be cheaper, then the number of clicks can be up to 6,500 clicks depending on the industry.
  • Can stipulate that when a visitor clicks on the ad, they will visit the zalo store or visit the website
  • View detailed reports of ad clicks, message lists…

If using 4 million/month package :

  • Committed  reach (timeline impressions): over 187,733 views
  • Guaranteed ad clicks : per 1,200 website clicks to your ad.

If using 5 million/month package :

  • Committed  reach (timeline impressions): over 258,133 views
  • Commit people to click on your ad : per 1,450 clicks on your *TKG1## template.

quang cao Zalo 1

Example *TKG1## on Zalo page


*TKG1## by design beautiful website

There are 2 forms *TKG1## via website: interface web design available and web design on request

*TKG1## by design web according to the available interface :

Design website if you choose available skins in stock here then the price is 2 million/web :

  • Programming language: WordPress
  • Bandwidth: unlimited
  • Hosting capacity : unlimited : Upload unlimited images and video clips to the forum 
  • RAM : 3GB
  • CPU : 2 Core
  • Online web administration with email, phone number and password
  • Compatible with all browsers such as: Chrome, CocCoc, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, IE…
  • Change the color of the web easily by going to another editor to change the background color, menu color, text color…
  • Compatible with mobile devices (Standard Responsive) such as Iphone, Ipad, Android, Galaxy Tab …
  • Website is designed with SEO standards: the best for SEO, fast, strong Index.
  • Customer-edited content and images
  • Free hosting for the first 6 months, the seventh month onwards pay 120,000 VND per month to maintain the website. Prices may vary from year to year

If the customer wants us to edit the content for the web, there is an additional fee :

  • 1 million if less than 30 product images
  • 2 million if more than 30 product images

 *TKG1## by web design according to the required interface:

Designing a website according to the specified requirements of the customer, the price is 6- 9 million/web, we will design the interface similar to the sample link requested by the customer. The technical details are the same as above. 

*TKG1## on Google

There are 3 forms *TKG1## via Google : Keyword SEO, Map SEO and Google Adwords

*TKG1## using Adwords 

5 million/1 month package with 5 keywords. In which :

Service initialization fee: 1.5 million/ 1 month
1. We’ll tweak multiple ad templates, add call extensions, time frame limits and potential customer area
and bid so that your keyword always gets to the top of Google with the cheapest cost.
2. Export real reports for guests to see, transparent real payment budgets.
3. Apply a virtual anti-click system aka click hijacker to exclude Objects that click many times with different devices but at the same IP address, or exclude those who click on but exit the page too quickly to save maximum budget costs for customers.

Ad budget: 3.5 million/month
You will specify for us :
1. List of 5 keywords that the website needs to the top
2. Budget per month for that keyword list or we allocate ourselves

quang cao adword

Example *TKG1## with Google Adwords (with the word QC at the beginning)

*TKG1## by SEO keyword

• Price for the first 2 months is 4,000,000 VND/2 months. From the third month onwards, the monthly maintenance rate is 1,000,000 VND/month. The minimum time to initialize and use the service is 2 months. Commit about 40 days the website will  to the top and will be used in 2 months.

Step 1: Design a new website for you (the above price includes domain name, hosting and can operate now).
Step 2: Copy the image content from your main website to this new site.
Step 3: Attach all backlinks on the new web pointing to your main website. Any menu you click will return to your website.
Step 4: Based on the list of main keywords you send, we will combine more keywords that users like search to send you browsing.
Step 5: Write mass articles to SEO website to the top of Google. Each keyword is 5 words or more in length.

Commitment in about 40 days the website will be on the top at least 4 keywords page 1, 4 keywords page 2 and 4 keywords page 3. Usually, the number of keywords to the top is many times higher than the commitment, but there is no cost.

dich vu seo toc hanh 1

form adwords : salary 1.5 million 1 month, budget money paid directly to google to *TKG1## (usually 5 keywords about 3.5 million) choose any 5 keywords, long or short is fine

Advantages of SEO : Many keywords of the web are on the top, no extra charge when there are many clicks because the results go up naturally, SEO within 40 days is to the top

Disadvantages of SEO : keywords must be 5 words or more, cannot commit to a fixed position, but only commit to at least 4 words located on page 1, 4 from page 2 and 4 from page 3 in any position. Normally, up to several dozen times, there are no fees

advantages of adwords : short keyword, always on page 1, can be fixed in top 4 above or top 4 below in page 1

disadvantages of adwords : select a few keywords (5 from a budget of about 3.5 million + 1.5 million salary.. Charge per click. Only choose the unit that applies the virtual click blocking system to save maximum costs.

*TKG1## in the form of SEO keyword display map :

  • Price of 4 million/phrase. From the third month onwards, maintenance is 1 million/month.
  • This is when searching keywords on page 1 will show your company at position 1 or 2 or 3 in the map frame.
  • Have a call button and a web page button for users to contact you.
  • This display style is much more eye-catching and impressive than the results of Adwords ads.
  • Unlimited number of clicks on website and call button.Your company’s website will be displayed online like the example image below 

dich vu seo google map 1

*TKG1## on Youtube

There are many forms of web advertising via youtube: price from 3 million 1 month.

*TKG1## appears on Youtube homepage

This is an eye-catching website click-through ad. When you go to the homepage without looking for information, you will see ads on the Youtube homepage, so it will stimulate users to click a lot and achieve very high efficiency. It can be said that this form of advertising on Youtube will be viewed the most by users. So if you advertise in this way, the cost will be very high.


chay quang cao youtube gia re trieu view cong thuc chuan 100 3.webp

*TKG1## Appears in Youtube Video

This type of ad inserts into video clips the user is watching and can usually be skipped after 5 seconds. This is the TrueView in stream ads form. This *TKG1## method only pays when viewers watch until the 30th second. This type of advertisement usually has no limit on the length of the promotional clip. You can point the link to the website when the user clicks on the ad. With this form, the price will be 3,000,000 VND/month with over 18,000 views or more.

chay quang cao youtube gia re.webp

In this form, there will be 2 more types of ads: In Stream Non-skippable (ads appear on Youtube and pages of Google’s Diplay system that support ads) and In Stream Preroll Ads (not only display ads). appear on youtube, but also on Embed video pages from youtube, ie sites that embed Youtube into other web to play). One feature of both these ad types is that the promotional video will be played by default and cannot be skipped.

*TKG1## GDN (Google Display Network)

This is a form of website text banner ads on pages registered with Google, including Youtube to advertise your brand. . The ad is placed on the location of the Google Diplay Network and the maximum website appearance time for this type of ad is 30 seconds.

quang cao google banner

*TKG1## displayed website on Youtube

This is a form of Youtube advertising consisting of 4 forms with different methods :

True View In Display on watch page : This allows your ad to appear on the right side of the video. that the user is viewing the website. You will pay ads if a user clicks on your ad.

Youtube trueview discovery ads

True View In Display on search page : This is the form if customers search for keywords about the field that the website is in. If you are in business, then in the search section, the top search results will be your ad template

Standard Display: This is a banner ad, your banner ad will appear to the right of the video. that customers are accessing, and just like in the first form, you only pay if a user clicks on your banner ad and will visit the website link you specified.

*TKG1## with Youtube Brand Chanel website

This is the most expensive form of advertising among YouTube ads. However, it has a scientific and very professional custom interface.

Youtube Brand Chanel website.webp

*TKG1## on Forum

*TKG1## on the forum

Advertisement Forum website 2.5 million/month package

  • Change keywords : once a week
  • Change content : up to 1 time
  • Point backlink to web : yes
  • Number of posts : 1000 stories
  • Number of forums, forums posted : 15 web
  • Forum list to post : all classifieds web, BDS

Advertisement Forum website 3.5 million/month package

  • Change keywords: once a day
  • Change content : up to 3 times
  • Point backlink to web : yes
  • Number of posts : 1,500 articles
  • Number of forums, forums posted : 15 websites with 5 websites you specify< /li>
  • Forum list to post: all classifieds, BDS and 10 web sites of your choice

 thiet ke dien dan

*TKG1## by SMS

In the message body will attach a link for visitors to click and point to the web yours.

*TKG1## by Sending SMS

  • 2000 messages = 3,000,000 VND
  • 4000 messages = 6,000,000 VND
  • 6000 messages = 9,000,000 VND
  • 10,000 messages = 10,000,000 VND
  • Support to get phone numbers by industry(*)

quang cao tin nhan sms

Mass Messaging Software 4.5 million/year

  • Enter phone number for unlimited sending
  • Unlimited device connections
  • Price per message 350 VND/text (all networks)
  • Does not include 3G devices (about 350 thousand)
  • Experience guide to the most effective submission
  • One year license

*TKG1## by Email Marketing

*TKG1## Email Marketing : Package 3.5 million/month

  • Number of emails sent: 100,000
  • Send speed: 10,000 emails/day
  • Can be split into multiple days
  • Give DS emails to send: 100,000
  • Filter mails before sending: Yes
  • Support for creating submissions: Yes
  • Reply email sent to client email: Yes
  • Statistics: Yes

Dich vu Email Marketing

*TKG1## Email Marketing : 6 million/month package

  • Number of emails sent: 200,000
  • Send speed: 10,000 emails/day
  • Can be split into multiple days
  • Give DS emails to send: 100,000
  • Filter mails before sending: Yes
  • Support for creating submissions: Yes
  • Reply email sent to client email: Yes
  • Statistics: Yes

*TKG1## Email Marketing according to the opening quantity, price 2,000 VND/open email

  • Price 2,000 VND/email opened
  • Send speed: 10,000 emails/day
  • Can be split into multiple days
  • Give DS emails to send: Yes
  • Filter mails before sending: Yes
  • Support for creating submissions: Yes
  • Reply email sent to client email: Yes
  • Statistics: Yes
  • For bulk, please contact

*TKG1## by hiring marketing staff : 4.5 million/month

This service package is a form of hiring outside people to do marketing and advertising for your company’s web


  • Administration of Fanpages and replying to customer messages
  • Every Tuesday and Thursday write new articles on customer fanpage
  • Web administration and updates upon request (website belongs to our web system)


WEEK 1: Finding new clients

  • Find on Facebook : at least 100 new customers / week 1

You will specify for our staff to find filter the right customer according to your industry classification wish : 

Example 1 : Your company provides wood, plywood, tiles, sanitary ware, decorative lights or accessories for the interior industry. Thus, your customers can be: Interior design companies, construction companies, furniture manufacturing facilities …

Example 2 : Your company supply raw materials for the cosmetic and beauty industry such as white bath powder, cosmetics, surgical needles… So your customers can be: Spa facilities, beauty salons, shops. Pretty.

The staff you hire ads will filter the list of customers and send them Excel file for you includes :

  • Company name, facility, store
  • Mobile or landline number
  • Address
  • Company website, facility, store
  • Link Facebook Fanpage for direct messaging

phuong phap marketing online hieu qua 1

The staff will send you the total guest list on Friday and you must review this new guest list on Saturday of week 1.

  • Join Facebook groups to share week 2 articles ,3,4

Use your personal Facebook nick to apply to join Facebook groups related to your business. You give us your username and password (after the ad time expires, you change the password later) or you create a new FB account.

WEEK 2: Text price list for customers to offer via Facebook + send message SMS directly to the mobile phone of 100 customers.

  • Monday :
    • Compose 2 sample content for web advertising and sales, send you to edit and browse.
  • Tuesday : Once you have reviewed the content, the staff will proceed to send the first sample content to all guests in the approved list.
    • Send separately to each Fanpage of the list of customers found in week 1
    • Use your Facebook account to send, you provide the password, after the contract expires then you change another password.
  • Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday :
      • Use the second sample content and continue to remind customers via Facebook, if customers respond immediately notify you for you to follow up.
      • Send SMS to 100 customers found in week 1.
      • Share your article to other groups and Fanpage
      • The report will be sent to you on Saturday :
        • Number of Facebook and SMS messages sent successfully.
        • Number of Facebook messages and SMS customer responses

WEEK 3: Post 500 ads on websites and forums

  • Post 100 ads per day to 100 different websites and forums.
  • Change keywords every day to be effective, and all point to your website.
  • Share the article on other groups and fanpages
  • Sends a report of all website links that have posted ads for you to check.


WEEK 4: Choose 1 of 2 options :

Option 1: Send 10,000 Email Marketing

  • Send Email Marketing to 10,000 people. Data of your or our email list.
  • The report will be sent to you on Saturday :
    • Number of successfully sent emails.
    • Defective number of emails sent
    • Number of unsubscribe emails
    • Email error rate is not more than 5%, if it is too much, it will be resent for free until the number is full.
    • The customer’s reply email will be sent directly to the customer’s email.
    • List of email addresses to be used by Party B, if Party A wishes to send Party A’s list, Party A must provide it. provided to Party B 3 days in advance to filter dead mail, initialize the list and send.

Option 2 :  You must provide the username and password of 10 Facebook nicks in order for us to share ads on Facebook groups and Fanpage

  • Share posts on different groups.
  • Changes to different customers every day. This audience you will specify or we suggest related customer audience.
    • If you provide towels and wash towels, please post them to Massage Spas
    • If you provide stationery, post it on a business object.
    • If you offer a tour, post it on the backpacker audience.
    • If you provide fish sauce, then post it to the restaurant object.
  • Sends a report of all web links that have posted ads for you to check.



*TKG2## if we want *TKG1## to be good then we must *TKG1## on Facebook at . The value of *TKG1## and *TKG2## is enormous. Hundreds of customers have advertised and sold a lot of orders. Do  online advertising *TKG2##  Today join the team of super good sellers and exploit more profits for yourself.


*TKG2## and *TKG1##, also known as *TKC##, is a matter for people to discuss and discuss and discuss with each other.
The most commonly used method in *TKG1## is the first person to submit a request and then the others will Send a quote and chat around that topic. If you want multiple clients then you’ll need to look for media advertising  *TKG2## to do marketing for your item. And if you want laundry service then you can contact where here for home delivery:


Nowadays, if we talk about *TKG1## but *TKG2##, we can immediately think of using the service digital marketing *TKG2## on page web . Because this is a website that will help *TKG2## and  *TKG1## increase sales and sell more products services to everyone. If you do not have a website but want to design a beautiful web for *TKC##, you can refer to  web design services *TKG1## at has a lot beautiful interface for everyone to choose from.

*TKG2## by increasing website traffic from Facebook

Facebook ads pointing to web or app download links

Price of 3 million a month = over 600 clicks/month

Price 4 million a month = over 800 clicks/month

Price of 5 million a month = per 1,000 clicks/month

Price 6 million 1 month = over 1,200 clicks/month

*TKG1## by Google Remarketing

5 million/month package

7 million/month package11 million/month package14.5 million/month package

18 million/month package

3 million budget5 million budgetBudget 8.5 millionBudget 12 millionBudget 15 million
Service fee 2 millionService fee 2 millionService fee 2.5 millionService fee 2.5 millionService fee 3 million
Keyword : 10 wordsKeyword : 10 wordsKeyword : 15 wordsKeyword : 20 wordsKeyword : 30 words

See more about web advertising Google Remarketing

Quang cao bam duoi

*TKG1## by increasing Youtube channel followers

Tăng Youtube Subscribers hoặc Youtube Followers
Price 5 million : Over 3,000 followers
Growth rate: about 30 to 150 followers/day

*TKG1## by increasing 4,000 hours of Youtube watch time

(For a Youtube channel to make money, it must satisfy the following conditions:    the channel needs to have at least 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months and 1,000 subscribers Want check the number of hours watching the channel and the number of people who follow our channel this link.

  • Price 3 million 4000 channel watch hours: for channels with videos longer than 2 hours
  • If your channel is less than 4,000 hours then you need to use this package so your channel will have total time Watch time over 4,000 hours and enable monetization. And to increase efficiency, your channel must have at least 7 video clips with a length of over 15 minutes.

And when your channel has a lot of viewers, every video you upload to the channel you remember to write a description with a link to your website for people to access.

*TKG1## by SEO Youtube channel

Youtube channel SEO increase sales and brand

Basic SEO : 5,000,000 Vnd / month
✅Number of video clips published : 26 videos
✅The number of subscribers to the channel will increase: 500 subscribers / followers
✅Number of keyword phrases SEO : 26
✅Number of keyword phrases that will go to the top of Google : at least 3 keyword phrases appear on 1 of the first 3 pages of Google search or Google image search or video search on Google or YouTube video search. Usually, the number of keywords to the top will be more, and there will be no costs and backlinks to the website.

Double SEO : 7,000,000 Vnd / month
✅Number of video clips published : 52 videos
✅The number of channel subscribers will increase: 1,000 subscribers / followers
✅Number of keyword phrases SEO : 52
✅Number of keyword phrases that will go to the top of Google : at least 6 keyword phrases appear on 1 of the first 3 pages of Google search or Google image search or video search on Google or YouTube video search. Usually, the number of keywords to the top will be more, and there will be no costs and backlinks to the website

*TKG1## by posting products on Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Sendo

kinh doanh online tren sendo tiki lazada shopee

+ Price 4 million

+ Create a Shopee account

+ Set up stall

+ Optimize brand name

+Optimize product name

+ Post SEO standard products

+ Optimizing and SEO 3 product keyword phrases Party A is doing business so that users can find your products on Shopee (5-star review, place 3 virtual orders, …)

+ Instruct Party A on how to self-manage the booth and Post the product and point the link back to the website

–> Optimized package for Lazada, Tiki, Sendo, Shopee same as above

*TKG1## by becoming your favorite shop on Shopee

Shopee favorite shop review process
Favorite Shop is reviewed every week. All Shops that do not violate the community standards, and are not winning the title of Favorite Shop will be reviewed by Shopee every Thursday.

tieu chi gian hang yeu thich tren shopee

If the shops meet all the criteria, Shopee will send a notification to update the identity card.
After updating ID, go to next Monday. Shopee attaches the title of Favorite Shop and sends a notification to the Shop.

If you don’t know how, see how optimum shopee  and  shopee ads

After you have become a favorite store on Shopee, remember to attach your website link to promote it.

*TKG1## by Google Banner ads

Customers when searching keywords on Google will go to a certain website, if that website If you are a Google partner that allows displaying banner ads, your banner image will be displayed on these websites. See details.

quang cao google banner

5 million/month package

8 million/month package11 million/month package14.5 million/month package

18 million/month package

3 million budgetBudget 6 millionBudget 9 millionBudget 12 millionBudget 15 million
Service fee 2 millionService fee 2 millionService fee 2 millionService fee 2.5 millionService fee 3 million
Keyword : 5 wordsKeyword : 10 wordsKeyword : 15 wordsKeyword : 20 wordsKeyword : 30 words


*TKG1## by promoting Tiktok

ADVERTISING TIKTOK RUN (for normal industry)
Run by video, click to jump to the website.
Target customers: select gender, region, age, interests.

– Based on the information and video clips received from Party A, Party B writes the content and forms the advertisement itself, and adjusts the customer audience to distribute it most effectively.

– The minimum daily budget of Tiktok prescribed from 200,000 VND or more.

Service fee 3 million/month:
– Budget running under 10 million/month
– 1 month to change advertising content, no more than 2 content

Service fee 3.5 million/month:
– Budget running 10 to 15 million/month
– 1 month to change advertising content no more than 3 content

Service fee 4.5 million/month:
– Budget running 15 to 25 million/month
– 1 month to change advertising content no more than 3 content

Service fee 5.5 million/month:
– Running budget 25 to 35 million/month
– 1 month to change advertising content with no more than 4 content

Budgets over 35 million will charge a service fee of 15% on the running budget amount. In a month, write or change no more than 4 contents.

For special industries please contact.

*TKG1## by renting a fan page with a green record

Currently, online stores often organize livestreams to sell directly. However, without running ads, the livestreams will have no viewers or very few views. Livestream usually only lasts a maximum of 4 hours. If you run that livestream ad and wait for Facebook to approve it, it will take at most 2 hours or sometimes 24 hours for the ad to be delivered. At that time, the direct sale has ended and sometimes only promoting the video in the form of replay to the viewer and the viewer will not interact directly with you, leading to poor sales effect and difficult to close the order. goods.

The latest online sales trend today is to use a green check-in fanpage  (Fanpage verified by Facebook verify the owner) to  sell via livestream on My Page.

The special feature of the green tick Fanpage is that the advertising campaign will be approved by Facebook very quickly and can run ads while opening the livestream. Thereby attracting customers to watch live while live. This is a very special feature and every normal Fanpage does not have it.

cho thue fanpage tich xanh 1

To effectively take advantage of sales via livestream on Green Page, the advertising company must have a lot of experience in campaign optimization, creating a campaign that runs once must be “effective”, there is no opportunity for corrections. fix, no time to re-optimize the campaign if there is a mistake!

Rental price of green fan page

Leasing by installments : 800,000 VND/time live/ 4 hours

Rent by day : 1.2 million/ 1 day

Monthly rental : 15 million/ 1 month

*TKG1## by order closing service

This is a form of  renting staff to close orders for you every time you livestream or when you send phone number data or when customers text Comments on your fanpage. Can be rented by the month or by the session.

nhan vien chot don hang

Monthly order closing service rental price

(Monthly rent does not apply to Livestream)

(Morning shift is office hours, Saturday afternoon and Sunday is closed. Evening shift is closed on Sunday)

According to shiftWorking time :Monthly rent
Morning shift :8am-5pm 5,000,000 VND
Evening shift :6.30pm to 10.30pm 7,500,000 VND
  • VIP package : price will add 1,000,000 VND/month. See details below.

Detailed job description by month

On the date you sent potential customer phone number data from running ads :

  • Staff will call (with no limit on the number and duration of calls) to close your order and make a report for you You at the end of the day include: Customer’s name, SDT, ordered item, order number, type, size, weight, color, delivery information, notes…

On the date you don’t send lead phone number data :

  • Staff will live on your fanpage page and chat software on your website.
  • As soon as a customer texts to ask or comment, the staff will take care of the customer and close the order for you (including call back to consult directly with customers.)
  • Every day staff actively text and call back 20 old customers on your Fanpage or website to look for more orders new from old customers.

VIP package : In addition to the work described above, the VIP package will be added as soon as a guest has liked the page or liked the post on the fanpage, the staff will actively jump into the chat. , make friends with that person (the FB nick you provide to use) and ask for a phone number and then call to close the application.

*TKG1## with zalo ads via phone number

  • This is a form of advertising that delivers to a list of existing phone number data.
  • The minimum required phone number to be able to advertise on Zalo is 2000 numbers.
  • It is suggested that to advertise Zalo effectively, it is recommended to send the customer phone number data file as large as possible. 10,000 numbers or more.
  • Promotion period is calculated as 1 month or calculated according to the number of commitments below whichever comes first.
  • Customers : Deliver ads to Zalo of the phone numbers you have provided.
  • Create a Zalo Page – Official Account and advertise on this page, handing over admin rights of Zalo Page to customers.
  • Can stipulate that when a visitor clicks on the ad, they will visit the zalo store or visit the website
  • View detailed reports of ad clicks, message lists…

Zalo advertising price according to available SDT data

  • 4,000,000 VND/month: about 550 ad clicks
  • 5,000,000 VND/month: about 800 clicks on the ad
  • 6,000,000 VND/month: about 1050 clicks on the ad
  • 8,000,000 VND/month: about 1400 clicks on the ad
  • 10,000,000 VND/month: about 1800 clicks on the ad template

*TKG1## by copying the post from another website

This is the most effective form but takes the least effort to think about the content. We just need to use the software copy content from other websites and then post it on my website.

*TKG1## by running Instagram package

Instagram full video ad

Customer object : choose 5 combination conditions :

we will compose the article and will promote :

Price 4 million / month

reach : over 48,000 people
Interactions (Like, Share, Comment, view) : over 9,000 interactions

Price 5 million / month
reach : over 58,000 people
Interactions (Like, Share, Comment, view): over 11,250 interactions

price 6 million / month
reach : over 72,000 people
Interactions (Like, Share, Comment, view) : over 13,500 interactions

price 8 million / month
Reach : over 104,000 people
Interactions (Like, Share, Comment, view) : over 18,000 interactions

*TKG1## by running Instagram ads

Rental Instagram ads (can run with images or videos) :
Price of 2 million/month :
– Budget running under 10 million/month
– 1 month to write or change no more than 2 articles
– Based on the information provided by Party A, Party B writes articles, self-uploads images and adjusts the advertising object so that it is effective. most.

Price 2.5 million/month :
– Budget running 10 to 15 million/month
– 1 month to write or change no more than 3 articles
– Based on the information provided by Party A, Party B writes articles, self-uploads images and adjusts the advertising object so that it is effective. most.

Price 3.5 million/month :
– Budget running 15 to 25 million/month
– 1 month to write or change no more than 3 articles
– Based on the information provided by Party A, Party B writes articles, self-uploads images and adjusts the advertising object so that it is effective. most.

Price 5 million/month :
– Budget running 25 to 35 million/month
– 1 month to write or change no more than 4 articles
– Based on the information provided by Party A, Party B writes articles, self-uploads images and adjusts the advertising object so that it is effective. most.

Budgets over 35 million will be charged a service fee of 15% on the running budget amount. In a month, write or change no more than 4 articles.

*TKG1## by standard SEO article writing service

Website without new content *TKG1## will be less effective, so you should use Article writing service for SEO standard website:
Written in Vietnamese language: Price 120k/post. If you write 50 articles or more, the price is 80k/post
Written in English language: Price 200k/post. If you write 50 articles or more, the price is 160k/post

+ Consult and research the field you are in to convey the appropriate article content.
+ Write SEO standard content for you.
+ Develop content based on the set of keywords you submit
+ Brainstorm ideas for content marketing that aligns with your goals.
+ In each article there is an illustration and a link to the homepage link or the category page link specified by you.

dich vu viet bai chuan seo

*TKG1## by taking care of fanpage


Work contentPrice 1.5 million/monthPrice 3 million/month
Standard article content, layout, SEO standards15 items30 items
Find images online to illustrate articlesyesyes
Real Likenatural incrementnatural increment
Comment adminnoyes
Reply to inbox messagesnono
Gift Promotional Voucher100,000 VND200,000 VND
Get coupons when buying new domains at  http://kiemtratenmien.okk.vnno5%
Send post report linkdailydaily
Optimize fanpagenoyes


If you want more replies to inbox messages in your mailbox during office hours, use the package below:

Work contentPrice 3 million/month
Standard article content, layout, SEO standards15 items
Find images online to illustrate articlesyes
Real Likenatural increment
Comment adminyes
Reply to inbox messagesyes
Gift Promotional Voucher200,000 VND
Get coupons when buying new domains at  http://kiemtratenmien.okk.vn5%
Send post report linkdaily
Optimize fanpageyes

Why you should use the service take care of fanpage to promote the web:

  • Using the fanpage care service helps businesses save the cost of posting on the page and pointing the link to the website.
  • You don’t spend too much time researching the market and planning and still can reach millions of customers goods without fear of any risk.


  • *TKG1## saves you time and money when participating in administration and management classes operate, while still being aware of new technologies and operating an effective engagement.
  • You will be helped and supported by a team of experienced professionals to create engaging content marketing and advertising. *TKG2##

dich vu quan tri fanpage

Care What are the benefits of Fanpage for businesses?

  • Branding: A well-groomed fanpage will be synchronized in terms of image as well as content. help the brand bring its own unique character.
  • Help customers have an impression and sympathy for the brand.
  • Helps fanpage increase reach so that pouring links to webiste also increases website visits and traffic.
  • Taking care of fanpage will help distribute information across ecosystems on the internet for the purpose of driving usage. not limited to fanpage. Therefore, the number of users reaching the fanpage will increase a lot.
  • Helps increase sales: When fanpage reach is high, customer conversion rate will also increase. This gives businesses a great source of revenue.
  • Cost saving: When the fanpage is well taken care of, the natural reach of users will automatically increase and be completely free. fee. You do not need to spend money on running ads and still get the attention of customers.

*TKG1## by hiring a phone caller

+ Hire sales staff to call customers (5 million/month/200KH – 8 million/month/400KH)

*TKG1## by SEO TikTok shop

How to SEO TikTok

If you don’t know how to get on TikTok on Google and how to trending TikTok, check out the strategies here:

Tiktok Ads Service 

Tiktok Ads 

SEO Tiktok

How to sell live products to make money on Tiktok Shop 

Advertise on Tiktok Shop

TikTok social network is growing in popularity and to stay ahead of the game and beat your competitors, you need to have a proper TikTok SEO strategy. The above 5 optimal strategies not only help your video be found on Google, but also how to trend on TikTok quickly and with unexpected results.

AD MARKETING is a unit providing website optimization solutions with many years of experience and a diverse and rich system of SEO resources. SEO services at  ADM MARKETING is the key to helping your business improve conversion rates, revenue breakthroughs and long-term sustainable growth.

Contact ADM MARKETING qua Hotline or Zalo for detailed advice!

dang ky tu van quang cao.gif

This is proof of higher revenue when using *TKC##, call us now for a free consultation !

*TKG1## by studying online business

After the Covid pandemic season, when many economic sectors struggled because of the epidemic, online business still grew by 30%. And this trend will continue to grow in 2023. If you don’t want to be left behind, quickly catch up with this trend by taking online business courses online.

You may not sell much at first, but in the long run your income will improve over time. Three months at home because of Covid, do you realize that the epidemic has changed everything? Want to buy vegetables also have to order online. And this is an inevitable trend and the development potential of e-commerce is huge. Online sales are stable, with little interruption due to the epidemic, especially food and food items. So for effective web advertising, you must learn online business course and web promotion.

Therefore, you will need to pay attention to the following issues:

+ Course content?
+ When do you study?
+ Study time?
+ Course price?
+ How many people are there in the class?
+ Course content?
+ Who are the right subjects to join the course?

Bài viết liên quan

Web marketing part 3
10.0 trên 10 được 2 bình chọn

Tác giả bài viết: Nguyễn Minh Hoàng – CEO Công ty TNHH Thương Mại và Dịch Vụ Chốt Đơn Hàng

Trong thế giới sôi động của quảng cáo và marketing trực tuyến, Nguyễn Minh Hoàng không chỉ là một CEO, mà còn là một tinh hoa sáng tạo, người đứng đầu của Công ty TNHH Thương Mại và Dịch Vụ Chốt Đơn Hàng – một công ty được biết đến với sứ mệnh làm thay đổi cách thức doanh nghiệp tiếp cận và tương tác với khách hàng qua các chiến lược quảng cáo online.

Với tinh thần khởi nghiệp và tầm nhìn sâu rộng, Minh Hoàng không chỉ dẫn dắt công ty của mình vượt qua những thách thức, mà còn thúc đẩy việc sáng tạo và tiên phong trong lĩnh vực quảng cáo và marketing trực tuyến. Ông được biết đến với sự đam mê không ngừng, sự cam kết vững vàng và sự tận tâm đặc biệt đối với việc mang lại giá trị thực sự cho khách hàng.

Dưới sự lãnh đạo của Minh Hoàng, Công ty TNHH Thương Mại và Dịch Vụ Chốt Đơn Hàng đã trở thành một trong những cái tên nổi bật trong ngành công nghiệp quảng cáo và marketing online. Sứ mệnh của ông không chỉ dừng lại ở việc tạo ra những chiến dịch quảng cáo hiệu quả, mà còn là việc tạo ra những trải nghiệm độc đáo và không thể quên cho khách hàng.

Với tài năng lãnh đạo, sự tận tâm và sự sáng tạo không ngừng, Nguyễn Minh Hoàng đã và đang là nguồn cảm hứng lớn cho cả đồng nghiệp và người làm marketing trực tuyến trên khắp mọi nơi.

Kinh nghiệm cụ thể:

Phản hồi từ khách hàng:

  • Giỏi lắm em, hôm nay khách đặt hàng trên mạng chị tăng rồi! (
  • Cám ơn ông nhiều nha, web lên top rồi! (
  • Quảng cáo tháng này ra khách rồi em ơi, mừng quá! (
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